Dr Perpetua Neo
The Neo Café

I write in cafés all over the world about mastering your time, mind and sleep. As a Café Person since 11, I’ve christened my blog The Neo Café— for your dose of Mastering Your Psychological Capital, my signature blend of cutting-edge neuroscience, psychology and ancient wisdom– in plain English for busy high-performers like yourself who want quick and thorough solutions. My work’s available in 43 languages, and here’s how we can partner together.


  • Post-Traumatic Growth: How To Own Your Story

    June 2016. The policewoman at the domestic abuse shelter looked at me and said “You’ve got to leave soon. You’re at medium risk of homicide or serious bodily harm.” I gulped. I’d played down everything in answering her questions; I knew I had to…

  • The Neuroscience Of Peak Performance: Routines

    My client Greg tells me, it’s shameful that he has “no routine apart from the work and family obligations. Everyone thinks I’m doing really well, but really I’m struggling deep beneath”. I tell him that I feel him. That when left to my own…

  • Fight, Flight, Freeze? Fawning Is A Trauma Response Too.

    Picture yourself coming into contact with a saber-tooth tiger. Your brain’s limbic system—the primitive part of your brain wired for survival—flips into fight-or-flight mode. Maybe you’re strong and have weapons, so you fight. Or maybe there’s no way you’ll survive that, so you run…

  • What Is Echoism? 8 Signs Of An Echoist & How To Heal

    While many of us know about the narcissist who loves any kind of attention, there’s an equally fascinating counterpart—the Echoist. That’s right, the same echo you hear when your voice bounces back in an empty room or a cave.Echoism is sometimes considered the opposite…

  • What’s The Difference Between An Echoist & An Introvert?

    Most people have an intuitive sense of whether they’re an extrovert or introvert. But sometimes people can confuse healthy introversion for what may actually be echoism. In essence, think of the echoist as the counterpart of the narcissist. Coined by psychologist Craig Malkin, echoists…