Dr Perpetua Neo
Mental Health For High Performers

Strategies For Peak Performance: Bespoke #MentalFitness

[This DrP article was first published on Next Evolution Performance]

Here’s the truth. Gold standard recommendations in mental health are often based on the average person, studied en masse. High performers are great at juggling multiple personal and professional responsibilities and tolerating growing burdens; many often show up at work with a smile and getting things done, even if they show severe symptoms of anxiety or depression. Others may have severe panic attacks, but still take the aeroplane anyway. Telling them to follow standard protocols doesn’t work, they are showing up for life anyway. In other words, high performers need High Performer Solutions.

The Problem with Current Mental Health Approaches

The conventional view of mental health is outdated and often counterproductive. We tend to see mental health in binary terms – you’re either mentally ill or you’re not. This oversimplification ignores the spectrum of mental well-being, from “fabulous” to “meh” to “bad” to “diagnosis time/breakdown.” Nobody reaches a state of chronic anxiety or other mental health issues overnight. It’s a gradual process that compounds every day, and we need to be attentive to the subtle shifts along this spectrum.

Moreover, in the age of AI, we face new challenges. The constant influx of information, the pressure to keep up with technological advancements, and the blurring lines between work and personal life all contribute to mental overwhelm. Generic advice like “avoid blue light two hours before bedtime” or “attend mindfulness retreats” often falls flat for high performers who work across time zones or juggle multiple roles. As my forex traders know, they sometimes can’t even use the bathroom because of time demands, so telling them to ‘just slow down’ is a pipe dream.

Having to chase mental health by adhering to rigid protocols that don’t respect one’s lifestyle, personality and goals, can screw with your mental health instead. Or, the idea of having to follow something so ridiculous in one’s life, can lead to such deep resistance, it is easier not to do anything.

The Pitfalls of Quick-Fix Solutions

Many high performers find temporary relief in retreats or holidays, only to face the “And Then What?” problem upon returning to their demanding lives. This yo-yo effect between temporary relief and recurring issues mirrors the cycle seen in crash diets – short-term gains followed by a return to old habits. Over time, this pattern can lead to learned helplessness and a sense of hopelessness. So no matter what shiny new protocols or 3 Letter Method someone is advocating, or what some AI-tailored solution to your genetics or blood type is trumping, always make sure that this is a sustainable system you will follow.

Rethinking Mental Fitness for High Performers

1. Energy Mastery vs. Time Management
The concept of stress or time management is outdated. For high performers, it’s not about slowing down or sedating an active brain. Instead, it’s about mastering energy management, both mental and physical. Understanding how to spend and gain mental and physical energy efficiently is crucial for sustained high performance.

2. Embracing Mental Mastery
For individuals with highly active minds, the goal isn’t to slow down but to redirect that mental energy productively. Instead of battling high levels of anxiety, the focus should be on channelling that brain power into creative or productive pursuits. This approach turns a potential liability into an asset, or what I call ‘rock how you’re wired’.

3. Quick Resets Over Long Retreats

While long mindfulness retreats can be beneficial, they’re impractical for busy professionals. Moreover, practices like meditation, if done incorrectly or without proper guidance, can sometimes lead to adverse effects like increased anxiety or even psychosis.

Instead, focus on quick, effective brain resets. By learning to down-regulate the amygdala and activate the prefrontal cortex through just 3-5 correctly-executed breaths, you can achieve a state of calm and focus more efficiently.

You also prevent precrastination and therefore stop creating new messes to clean up; instead you are allowed to procrastinate well.

Implementing Bespoke #MentalFitness

  1. Personalised Energy Audit: Start by understanding your unique energy patterns. When are you most alert? When do you typically experience energy dips? You can also test your chronotype. This self-awareness is the foundation of effective energy management.
  2. Micro-Interventions: Develop a toolkit of quick, effective interventions that work for you, look deep into your history. This might include brief breathing exercises, short bursts of physical activity, hugging your pet, or moments of focused creativity.
  3. Flexible Mindfulness: Instead of rigid meditation practices, incorporate mindfulness into your daily activities. Practice being fully present during your commute, while eating, or in conversations. Or take moments to simply sip water slowly.
  4. Cognitive Reframing: Learn to reframe challenges as opportunities for growth. Always plug into all the times you’ve grown despite your fears and circumstances, tap into that feeling into your body. This shift in perspective can transform stress into a catalyst for performance.
  5. Strategic Recovery: Plan short, strategic recovery periods throughout your day. Even a 5-minute break, when used effectively, can significantly recharge your mental batteries.
  6. Leverage Technology Wisely: Use AI to your advantage. Employ apps that help track your mental state or provide quick mindfulness exercises, but be cautious of over-reliance on digital solutions.
  7. Delete Toxic Company: Naysayers, unsolicited advisors, toxic people, woke shamers. You have to protect your energy.

The Future of Mental Fitness

The future of mental health lies in personalised yet flexible sustainable approaches that fit into the lives of high performers. By moving beyond generic advice and one-size-fits-all solutions, bespoke #MentalFitness empowers individuals to thrive in their unique environments. It’s not about escaping stress but mastering it, not about slowing down but channelling energy effectively. As we navigate the complexities of the AI age, remember that your mental fitness is as unique as you are. Embrace strategies that work for your lifestyle, and don’t be afraid to adapt and evolve your approach. With bespoke #MentalFitness, you can achieve peak performance without sacrificing your mental well-being.

Or what I call, enjoying mental health whilst still having a life, and without compromising on your goals or performance.

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