Dr Perpetua Neo

Transform invisible patterns into strategic advantage. Where neuroscience meets ancient wisdom for excellence in disruptive times. I architect precision protocols that double focused work capacity and create sustainable high performance for senior leaders globally. Each Blueprint offers an immediate implementation protocol while revealing deeper transformation pathways across your personal and professional lives. Read on, or schedule a Strategic Session.

All images are my own visual framework – capturing pattern recognition through a global lens.

  • Fight, Flight, Freeze? Fawning Is A Trauma Response Too.

    Picture yourself coming into contact with a saber-tooth tiger. Your brain’s limbic system—the primitive part of your brain wired for survival—flips into fight-or-flight mode. Maybe you’re strong and have weapons, so you fight. Or maybe there’s no way you’ll survive that, so you run…

  • What Is Echoism? 8 Signs Of An Echoist & How To Heal

    While many of us know about the narcissist who loves any kind of attention, there’s an equally fascinating counterpart—the Echoist. That’s right, the same echo you hear when your voice bounces back in an empty room or a cave.Echoism is sometimes considered the opposite…

  • What’s The Difference Between An Echoist & An Introvert?

    Most people have an intuitive sense of whether they’re an extrovert or introvert. But sometimes people can confuse healthy introversion for what may actually be echoism. In essence, think of the echoist as the counterpart of the narcissist. Coined by psychologist Craig Malkin, echoists…

  • Addressing High Functioning Depression: Dysthymia

    Something I often hear is the protest, “But I don’t have a big sad story like being abandoned by a parent or nearly losing my life”.

    One of the saddest things we do to hurt ourselves is when we think that our sufferings and challenges…

  • How To Work With A Narcissist

    The verdict is out, and it has been replicating itself over cultures like a broken record: narcissists are terrible for your business and bottom-line.

    Sure they could be incredibly charming and know how to make use of people like moving pieces on a chessboard, looking…

  • How To Leverage Neurodiversity In Your Work Culture

    Whenever I speak to companies interested in hiring neurodiverse individuals, there is sometimes concern over how much work might need to be done to rethink culture. But really, you don’t need to do this from scratch. There are a sizeable number of neurodiverse individuals…

  • How To Make The ADHD Addictive Personality Work For You

    My friends have a running joke that if I’m awake 14 hours, I’m eating 16 hours. People used to be amused by how my 3-year-old self could decimate an entire comb of 30 bananas in an hour.

    I have an addictive personality courtesy of ADHD.…