The truth is, you're not in control
“For years I had a dirty little secret. In hot, stuffy vehicles and rooms, my heart would palpitate and I’d hyperventilate. I felt scared, helpless, and desperate, as though my world was crashing in, while I looked for a crack or window that I could stick my head out of so I could breathe.”
I wrote that years ago, on MindBodyGreen.
Yes. I have helped people through their panic attacks, so they never have any again. I’ve gotten them back on planes, lifts and trains in three weeks, even if they’ve avoided these for decades. But I’m not simply a psychologist and coach. I also know panic attacks intimately. I’ve been where you are.
I know what it’s like to not be in-control. I nearly quit Graduate School because of them.
And then I also know what it’s like to be in-control of panic attacks. For good.

It could be a vehicle. Or lift. Once the doors shut. Or meetings. Coffee shops. Public speaking. Crowds. Lifts. It doesn’t matter. The point is, it owns you.
Remember your first panic attack?
Everything felt fine. Then you were blindsided by the darkness, heat or blind panic. Your chest got tight, your arms became wobbly. You had zero doubt you’d collapse, have an aneurysm or that your body would give out. You’d give anything for it to stop, or for fresh air. And everytime it happens again your world feels like it’s crashing in, like you’re trapped, no matter how you tell yourself it’s in your head. The darkness is real, and logic fails to comfort you. You’re left shaking, and take time to recover, sitting out when others have fun in. And every time you know you have to face that same situation again, you’re terrified. You’re always waiting for the next panic attack to happen. Sometimes, you even wake up knowing it’ll strike— you can even smell it. You make excuses to avoid. But the fact is, your life has shrunk. You feel guilty about inconveniencing others. And you don’t like yourself very much.
I discovered seven invisible beliefs that stop us from getting in-control of panic attacks. Most people resonate with three, some with all. How many of these resonate?
1. "I've tried everything."
You’ve had all sorts of three-letter therapies and coaching, medication and hypnotherapy. They worked for a bit, and then they didn’t; or they helped you understand your family dynamics and nothing else changed. So you believe panic attacks are your destiny and you’re too far gone. Or, you tried all the other miracle fixes— from spiritual energy cleansing to nutrition, which claimed to have cured others’ panic attacks. Except they were really talking about anxiety attacks, which are different.
2. "I only have panic attacks in [situation] now. I can live with it."
They used to strike everywhere. You’ve gotten rid of most of them and there’s only one situation they still crop up in. You’ve gotten to the root— a difficult time in your life— and these days things are great. And so you don’t get why they still happen. But you think you ought to be grateful.
3. "If possible, I don't want to think about them."
When caught in their throes, you’re desperate for anything to take the panic attacks away. And when you feel better, you’d rather not think about them and make yourself all anxious. Plus, you already know how to breathe and deal with them when they happen. That’s one out of the long list of reasons why you shouldn’t work on panic attacks when they blow over. Until you have no choice but to face that situation again.
4. “I’ll just be logical, adopt the right mindsets and hope it’ll all work out."
But you know that statement only works when you’re not having panic attacks or fearing them. Because there are times when it’s difficult to stay rational.
5. "I'm mentally ill."
You’re angry with yourself for feeling hot and those palpitations, or for the intense fear because you know that logically, things are okay. You’re not worried about the safety of the plane/train/lift, you’re worried about actually having that panic attack and being unable to escape. Not only are you worried about the stigma of having a mental health difficulty, you feel resigned to them, as though you don’t deserve to get better.
6. “It’s trying to be in control that’s gotten me in trouble”
Those articles that tell you to ‘release’, ‘let go’ and ‘just feel it’. They make you feel like there’s something’s wrong with you for wanting to be in-control. And you also know you set your panic attacks off by looking for them and pre-empting them. But you don’t know how to stop— it doesn’t feel safe to. Actually, it’s only that this way of gaining control steals your control. Control is a good thing.
7. “I need to sort out my career/obligations/[insert reason] first, I’ll figure it out somehow.”
Everything but your emotional and mental fitness comes first. You think they’re a luxury. You believe the only way to not have panic attacks is to move to the mountains and live a radically different life. Plus, who really has time to meditate two hours a day?
Panic attacks can happen to anyone. Whether you’re a medical doctor, CEO or lawyer. In fact, panic attacks are a type of anxiety, one of the most common mental health struggles we have today. And what makes it worse is managing them.
You can live a life free of panic attacks. That should be your expectation, not simply learn another breathing method.
- Panic attacks mirror something else in your life– they’re your body’s way of telling you something. And pinpointing this gives you closure.
- You don’t need to sit on a therapist’s couch for years without improvements—in fact, most of my clients FaceTime with me as I get them back on trains and planes in as little as three weeks despite decades of avoiding them.
- People with panic attacks often have anxiety and believe their head is in control. Actually, you can be the master of your mind and make it work for you instead.
You can own what owns you now.

"I can fly without fear"
MR CK, HOSPITALITY PROFESSIONAL“I used to have panic attacks. Now I can fly without fear. I feel more energetic, my IBS has improved, and I feel proud of myself. I am happy in myself.”

"I started running and taking the tube again."
"We live on different continents."
MS CU, PERFORMANCE COACH“I was embarrassed and thought I had to live with panic attacks for the rest of my life. Now I catch trains like a boss. Perpetua has been on both sides. She understands panic attacks. I absolutely recommend her.”

"You helped me heal my past."
MR TQ, BUSINESSS MANAGER“I thought I was beyond help, I avoided trains for 12 years, and in three sessions, you helped me to take the trains again.”
Goodbye Panic Attacks
My signature program with the exact tactics, word-for-word scripts and psychological strategies to crack the code of getting in-control of panic attacks for good, so you’re free to go anywhere you want and sleep soundly.
Go from terrified to in-control by developing the deep inner skills of mastering yourself, your mind and your body, and gain an instant edge in your confidence, especially if you’re in a leadership position and/or have a demanding job.
Because you’ve done the breathing techniques, therapy and every trick in the playbook. Managing panic attacks only burns your time, energy and control— deep down, you know you’re feeling increasingly helpless as the clock ticks. It’s time to master the situation.
It’s a house of cards and you’re the foundation. You can only deal with your career, relationships and obligations if your emotional and mental core is strong and stable.
It’s an inside job. Everything else is band aid and duct tape.
Your life is shrinking— you fear the toll on your sanity, relationships and career. The longer you wait, the more helpless and hopeless you become.
Do you foresee more commitments and responsibilities on the horizon? Then you know how important it is to master your inner game now.
They say it’s about managing panic attacks for the rest of your life— but that’s no way to live, is it? You know that ‘managing’ is costing you more time and stress.

"Anxiety zero!"

"Now I can say Yes!"

"I know my kids won't pick up my anxiety."

"Smashed my goals!"
"Today, I choose life"-- Kevyn Aucoin, Artist
What you'll get:--
Instead of feeling dependent for the rest of your life on some breathing technique everytime they happen, you’ll crack the code of saying goodbye to panic attacks for good. Anxiety is also stored in your body, and cannot be talked away. That’s why we can be logical or chant mantras, but if a part of us believes otherwise, we’ll never be in-control. You’ll release these via simple methods, as part of a grand strategy tailored to you, so you master your current nightmare scenarios. Imagine the freedom to leave town, hop on that plane or train, and go anywhere you want without planning your life around panic attacks. What would life be like, knowing you can be as spontaneous as you want.
We know it’s not about pretending everything is okay by being logical, or to ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. But how do you deal everytime you feel that blind panic rising, or like you’re dying? When you need to escape. When the doors shut and you feel trapped. When the train stops moving. Or when you feel self-conscious, because you think people are laughing. And what if you suddenly have a panic attack whilst speaking— how do you turn it around gracefully without anyone finding out? Instead of feeling overwhelmed before, during and after the panic-inducing situation, we’ll break the vicious cycle from multiple angles in bite-sized chunks. Because your panic attacks didn’t get this bad overnight, so getting in-control step-by-step like you’re uplevelling in a game increases your confidence. I’ll be here supporting you, even if you’re 10000 miles away and need me to dial in as you practise going into that train, plane or meeting.
You can apply every hack in the playbook, but if you don’t understand why you have panic attacks, your mind cannot have closure and panic attacks will return. At the same time, we don’t want to obsess over the reason or your family relationships for years— as clients have told me they’ve been doing in therapy— and instead use it to help you get closure and transform the past into strength. When we can slay the demons linked to our panic attacks, we close the past. For good.
Anxiety is your Buy-One-Get-One-Free with panic attacks. How do you deal with the busy thoughts chattering in your head, the fears of going into that panic-inducing situation that causes your body to tense, and being so lost in your head you feel bad you’re not paying attention to the people who matter. And yet, you believe worrying pre-empts and solves problems. If you spend many hours worrying everyday and feel exhausted, you’ll learn to reclaim your strength and vitality by planning and problem-solving rather than worrying— there is a big difference! This way, you’ll master your head, which will accelerate your performance and leadership, because you’ll make wiser decisions and feel in-control. And, if you comfort-eat, we’ll engineer simple systems of tasty nourishing meals to feed your body and mind, not celery sticks and starvation.
There comes a point where you’ll be angry about wasting your life with your panic attacks. How do you move beyond self-blame? And when life changes, everybody sabotages themselves. Because, who are you now? What do you do now that you’ve stopped planning your life around panic attacks? Do you deserve to let go of the past? And what do you do when you slip back during a challenging week? We’ll engineer systems to detect and troubleshoot these, building your resilience. You’ll also integrate your past as strength and live your next chapter bravely. How do you get back into situations you used to enjoy? Get the word-for-word scripts so you can confidently navigate your new reality.
Instead of feeling embarrassed and lonely, you’ll learn how to talk about panic attacks in an empowering way so people can support you as you master them. And get the secrets to gracefully have firm boundaries with those who accuse you of being attention-seeking, saying it’s all in your head. As you gain control, we’ll engineer systems so every accomplishment fuels your progress. And, if you’d like to tell your story, receive the word-for-word scripts to do so in a way that inspires somebody else to transform what feels stuck in their life.
Instead of feeling blue because panic attacks inconvenience the people around you, fearing losing your job and your family, and disliking yourself, you’ll start to experience joy and satisfaction as your life expands. You’ll use these enhanced relationships and self-esteem to maximise your odds of success, engineering them into systems to keep the momentum pulsing without having to look for motivation.
Let’s get real. It isn’t simply going into that plane, train or meeting that you really want.
- What dreams have you shelved away because of panic attacks?
- In what ways have your life shrunk?
- In what ways do you no longer respect yourself?
Make a list, because you’ll feel so proud of yourself for conquering those, and tasting what you once dreamed about.
Here's how your metamorphosis will unfold
In this 8-week journey, we’ll work on you gaining control of your panic attacks and the situations that terrify you. This way, you master your mind, time and self, in a way that honours your life journey and personality. We’ll work in-person if you’re in Brighton (UK), or over Facetime/Skype.
- This is a tailored, structured program that gives you the high-level tools to crack the blocks that have been holding you back, break old patterns and replace them with systems that maintain lasting transformation.
- It’s specific, with the exact examples, concepts and praises you can use right now. It’s rapid, with skills you can use for the rest of your life. And it’s practical. You reflect and become wiser, and you also have precise actionable steps to build these inner skills into your everyday life

- You’ll receive personalised scripts and strategies to close your Panic Attacks chapter, in a way that empowers you.
- We’ll work with flowcharts, checklists and contingency plans so you’ll be in-control.
- You’ll receive simple, time-friendly neuroscience-backed homework to flex your new muscles of confidence.
- I can work with your doctors, lawyers or other members of your support system.
The Neo Formula
Week 1: 1 x 120-minutes
We join the dots so your mind gets closure, and get clear on your goals and intentions to seed your future.
Weeks 2-7: 6 x 60-minutes
Simple lifestyle redesign, busting old patterns and engineering systems to master your time, mind and energy.
Week 8: 1 x 60-minutes
We celebrate your successes, integrate your new skills, and chart your future so you soar.
DrP’s Direct Line: 1-1 support via email/ WhatsApp/ iMessage, and 10 Minute Booster Calls. In case you ever need clarification, additional support or last-minute preparation. (Value: £997)
The Neo Audit: A 60-minute audit of the rituals, patterns and people in your life to tweak for enhanced sleep, energy and purpose-filled days (Value: £247)
Goodbye Panic Attacks is for you if:--
- You flip between desperately wanting anything to take your panic attacks away when they come, and telling yourself you’ll deal with them later when you’re feeling better.
- You’re open to admitting that your old ways of ‘managing the problem’ need to change. And you don’t want to sit for years on a therapist’s couch, going around in circles, haemorrhaging your time, money and energy.
- You want to stop blindly chasing after the next Three Letter Miracle hype and the conventional advice that hasn’t worked, and instead emulate proven methods that have helped others who were once in your position.
- You’re ready to break old patterns and stories that you’re destined to have panic attacks for the rest of your life. And you don’t want to see yourself as a ‘victim’. You demand control instead.
- You’ve gotten as far as you can on your own, but you know that what got you here won’t get you there, and you want an extra push to cross the bridge to success. Because you care about the long-term.
- You want the freedom to do what you want, and live your life, for good.
How can I ask you my questions about working together?
You can schedule a free 20-minute Chemistry Call, so we have a feel of how we communicate and collaborate. Here’s where you can clarify expectations and negotiate how we’ll partner together. You’ll be directed to a short questionnaire, to maximise your benefits from the call.
What do you mean by ‘tailored to my personality’?
Everybody is wired differently— introvert vs extrovert, night owl vs early bird, loves spontaneity vs order, etcetera. Often, we shoehorn our personality into something else, or see how we’re wired as a curse. We’ll tailor our work to fit your personality by leveraging your strengths. And your challenges? In the words of MysticMedusa, we’ll “mutate them into your superpowers”.
What is working together like?
One word: Partnership. Here’s what to expect in our journey:—
- An overarching strategy, structure and accountability: Your command center.
- Tailored solutions: We’ll design flowcharts, scripts and tactics of what to do in which scenario so you feel in-control.
- Transparency and directness: We clarify questions and doubts. You give candid feedback about what you want more/less of. I tell you my opinion.
- Lean To-Do List: Prioritising/adding what’s key, removing what isn’t so you laser-focus, engineering systems to make your new habits effortless
- Explanations: The concise Why and science behind what we do. So your brain gets on-board and works with you.
- Reviews: Integrating reflections and wisdom, refining our partnership, celebrating your successes.
How do my clients describe working together? “Faster results than I ever expected”, “Tough love”, “Surprisingly, I have a lot of fun”, “Life-changing”. Why? I’m a convent-educated Singaporean— we’re global citizens, Type A, have thick skins and are direct.
I’m a very busy person. Tell me more about homework.
You won’t have to write essays and reports. Everything’s designed to be short, simple and time-friendly. They’re habits you practise to grow new metaphorical muscles, weekly challenge, or reflective questions. Don’t want to write? You can do it via voice message!
I understand the coaching and neuroscience bit. But how does your psychotherapy background come into play?
- Telling ourselves “You’ve got this” and “You’re strong” only works partly. That’s because the belief isn’t real, and we’re run by another story we tell ourselves, even if it isn’t true (anymore). You can’t talk or rationalise that away. They live in our cells and organs, and therapy techniques exorcise these old demons of shame, trauma and pain. Everyday life events can cause trauma-like symptoms, not just when you’ve had your life threatened.
- We deal with the emotional complexity of being human.
- We join the dots, so your mind gets closure and you stop repeating the pattern— but we’re surprised about the origins of a pattern, and feel angry or stupid about it or having ‘wasted [your] life’. We master these feelings so they stop controlling you.
- Everyone experiences some degree of anxiety. Psychotherapeutic techniques are excellent at helping you master your mind, time and sleep.
Tell me about DrP’s Direct Line
If you have questions, need additional support or want to clarify anything, you have a direct line to me. I’ll respond within 24-48 hours; timezone-permitting, it’s often prompt. You reach me via (1) email (2) iMessage and WhatsApp; and you can schedule additional Ten Minute Booster Call as part of your VIP benefits.
- We deal with the emotional complexity of being human.
- We join the dots, so your mind gets closure and you stop repeating the pattern— but we’re surprised about the origins of a pattern, and feel angry or stupid about it or having ‘wasted [your] life’. We master these feelings so they stop controlling you.
- Everyone experiences some degree of anxiety. Psychotherapeutic techniques are excellent at helping you master your mind, time and sleep.
8 weeks feels like a short time. Can we work together for longer?
- You’ll see the bulk of your breakthroughs within the first three weeks. For the rest of the time, we’ll refine your new skills, habits and mindsets.
- You can make it 12 weeks, with breaks to integrate and reflect.
- Clients who continue working together want to address other things, keep me on retainer to check-in with their progress, or are in Growth Phase and want to keep the momentum going.
I live in the USA/Australia. How do we work together?
I serve an international clientele via FaceTime and Skype.
Do you take insurance?
Yes, for psychotherapy sessions in the UK. I’m registered with AVIVA, AXA PPP, VitalityHealth and WPA. You can ask your GP or psychiatrist for a referral.
Do you work with men and LGBTQ+?
Yes. 30% of my clients are men. I’m kink-knowledgable, and specialised in Sexual Health Psychology in London’s Chelsea & Westminster Hospital for a year. Most of my clients there were LGBTQ+, and that was my favourite 9-to-5 stint.
How do you treat panic attacks from a different country?
We craft a strategy that’s tailored to you, work on removing what holds you back, and then you’ll have practical sessions to gain control. I can dial in during these sessions so you feel supported.
Do you work in other languages?
Yes, I work in Mandarin-Chinese.
Do you work with students?
I work with high-performing students who wish to enter top programs, ease through their revision/exams and feel less paralysed by procrastination and perfectionism. You may also be a mature student, or wanting to enter Graduate School.
How do your busy clients find time to work with you?
When we want something badly enough, we dedicate time and space for it. I have clients who FaceTime me from their cars during lunch break, or book meeting rooms to work together. I also have clients who schedule evening sessions after work.
What's your typical client profile?
- My clients resonate with at least two of the following descriptions:– (1) High Performer (2) High Flyer (3) High Achiever (4) High Net Worth Individuals (5) Highly Strung.
- They are busy predominantly Type A personalities— ambitious, perfectionist and goal-driven– who take calculated risks, with some Type C and Type D mixed in. They’re cerebral and logical, live in their head, and half of them resonate with Spock’s rationality. They want to leave their mark on the world, and are often at a point where seek to integrate the different parts of their identity and life, gain mastery of something (e.g. goal, challenge, mind), and live purposefully. Most of them are on the road towards that, and want accountability, structure and expert help to get lasting results fast.
- They want to know the hows and whys, but they’re not interested in simply talking for years without change. They want to roll up their sleeves and get things done, and do not allow challenges to absorb them completely. Instead, they’re willing to harness their mental capacity and resources to work through.
- Career-wise, many are executives (working at or towards C-Suite), entrepreneurs, or both.
- 70% of them are spiritual, and seek wisdom from the ancient traditions like Eastern philosophy, archetypes and astrology.
What's the age demographic of your clients?
Most of my clients are older members of Generation X (born between 1965-1975) and older millennials (1982-1992).
I’d like you to coach/speak at my organisation. Do you do that?
Yes. Here’s my MASTERY program, my media page, and a list of every PR I’ve been featured in. I fly internationally.

"It gets easier and easier."

"I can live a different life."

"My mind is so much clearer."

"Now I know I can live abroad."
“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.” -- Ernest Hemingway, Author
My challenge to you:--
You’ve just been through some of the secrets my clients and myself have used to get in-control of panic attacks for good and really live life.
You’ve seen the importance of using an intelligent approach— engineered systems, not motivation or information. You’ve seen how talking about it or trying to blatantly ‘mindset’ it away doesn’t work. And you’ve seen how fundamentally, it starts with you taking control.
We’ve all walked out of a class, seminar or finished a book, feeling all fired up. Now, think back to what happened days later. Did the motivation last?
That’s what Goodbye Panic Attacks is designed to do— to recognise that we need a little support, and to keep us focused on the most important things instead of getting distracted and discouraged. Or telling ourselves we’ll just ‘manage the problem’ and sort other things out in our lives first.
Healing from panic attacks is hard. At best, nobody teaches us how. At worst, people give us advice that makes everything worse. Remember the last time someone told you to ‘just think positive’ or ‘exercise’?
And I promise you, I won’t sell you bullshit spiritual platitudes like “It’s all a lesson”, tell you to simply be grateful or preach at you to meditate two hours daily. If you’re spiritual, we’ll do practical spiritual— something that feeds and heals you.
If you’ve taken the time to read this, it’s clear you want to make a change

"I can deal with anything now."

"I quit smoking."

"Hope increased quickly."
“With DrP, everything felt easier and within my control.”

“My psychiatrist asked, “How on earth did Dr Neo get you to take the train?”. He was surprised. I said, “She got on it with me. And then we went for coffee.” He had a good laugh.”

"I learned I don't need to be perfect."
Some people choose to remain stuck. Others choose Goodbye Panic Attacks.
Madness is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome. Einstein said it; you and I have seen it.
We all know the people who see themselves as victims. They think they’ll need to tolerate panic attacks their whole lives, watching life shrink and feeling angrier with themselves. We’ve met the person who looks for every bandaid in the world– massages, books, breathing techniques– so they can cope with the situation. The fear before the nightmare. And the overwhelm of the aftermath.
Fast forward in your own life: What if you did nothing differently today, and ended up like them tomorrow?
You know the problem won’t go away on its own.
Over time, we either learn to become more helpless or resilient.
- You can continue believing that Goodbye Panic Attacks is for people who’ve been through worse, aren’t as ‘far gone’ as you, or have more mental discipline.
- You can tell yourself that you need to ‘figure it out’ first, sort out your career, obligations and relationships. Will that day ever come, though?
- Or you can take action— following a proven plan and tested techniques that have worked to help people like you and I get panic attacks out of our systems, be in-control of our head and self, and know that we’ll always be working on the things we love in our life.
And nobody can ever take this away from you.
Where would you like to see yourself? What are you going to do today?
Click on ‘I Want Control‘ to schedule your complimentary Chemistry Call or ask me your burning questions. Your future and younger selves will thank you.

What the experts & industry peers are saying
Vanessa Bennett
CEO of Global High Performance Boutique

Peter Shmock
2X Olympian, Author & Coach

Seattle StartUp Week

Perpetua is one of those people who makes me shrink, she has achieved so much in so little time it makes my mind boggle. Quick to smile, slow to judge, she's clearly an outstanding person. Perpetua is an outstanding speaker, brings to life her glorious speech through exceptional language. 5 mins with Dr Perpetua Neo can transform your success.

Garth Spiers
CEO, GSImpact Ltd (UK).

Dr Karen Pooh
Clinical Psychologist

Leimomi Keliikuli
Psychic Business Mentor

Selena Soo
Publicity Expert for Visionary Leaders